Switching Your Cell Phone Service Could Be The Simplest Decision You Make All Year

Switching to a new cell phone provider may sound overwhelming to you. Knowing you want to stay connected- you’re concerned if it will go smoothly.

With Twigby, switching your cell phone service is actually very simple. You only need to provide a limited amount of information, and we can have you up and running typically within a day. And the best part, you will be using your same phone number. You won’t have to worry about letting family and friends know about a new number. Simply put, we have it down to a tee. We handle everything for you.

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Avoid Cell Phone Contracts: No Contract Cell Phone Plans from Twigby

Are you on the fence about whether to sign another two-year wireless cell phone service contract? If you have service with one of those big brands of wireless phone carriers, watch out. They lock you in and tell you about the rest later. You probably think you are getting a good deal but will find out later that you were wrong. It helps to understand the difference between contract and no contract cell phone plans. By the end of this post, we will tell you some of the key differences.  Continue reading “Avoid Cell Phone Contracts: No Contract Cell Phone Plans from Twigby”

Are You Spending Too Much On Wireless Phone Service?

You are probably paying for more than you really need. Let us show you.

Did you know that a recent survey showed that the average American consumer paid about $110 a month for cell phone service? Wow, that means a lot of Americans are overpaying for quality cellular service. How can you save money on your cell phone bill? Continue reading “Are You Spending Too Much On Wireless Phone Service?”

Choosing Twigby for My Kid’s Cell Phone Needs

BREAKING NEWS: Kids Want Phones

My kids are pretty typical. They all want their own phone…yesterday. If you have kids, you likely know this and hear it every day. As the mother of tweens, I recently purchased two phones and activated service through Twigby. I thought it might be helpful to hear about my experience getting cell phone service for my kids.

I have a ten-year-old and a thirteen-year-old, and I am very concerned about staying within a budget. It is also very important to me that they learn responsibility, as their freedom increases. Twigby gives me lots of ways to meet my main concerns.

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Avoiding Overages Is Simpler Than You May Think

Keep Overages At Bay

Overages can be the worst kind of surprise. You assume you’ve stayed within your limits, but then your cell phone bill arrives and tells a different story. Many of us have experienced it to some degree, and we’re willing to bet that everyone would rather never experience it again.

How do you avoid overages? If you are locked into a contract, it is a little more difficult, however there are some simple steps you can take to reduce the chance of stepping over that line. If you are looking for a more flexible cell phone service, Twigby puts the power to control data in your hands like no other phone carrier.

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10 Ways to Protect Your Cell Phone

Life is unpredictable and messy. Whether taking a photo or video, texting a friend, or posting an update to social media, these days many of us have our phones handy in almost every moment. With so much daily use, our cell phones have a tendency to be worn out or even broken. Taking some preventative steps can help prevent or slow down this inevitable process. Here are ten ways to protect your cell phone:  Continue reading “10 Ways to Protect Your Cell Phone”